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Ms. Anderson's ATM

Wow! Can you believe we are already on week 3 of first quarter? I'm excited that everyone at Jefferson has visited the library for orientation and now I'm ready to start focusing on lessons, displays, and pairing students with their next book. I feel like I get more interested in reading myself when I am generating excitement about books to my students.

One promise I'm making myself this year: No duds. I am not reading any books that I don't like. So, what has captured my interest? Here's what is in my currently reading pile:

City of Dragons is starting to get some good buzz and I noticed it is one of this year's Rebecca Caudill books for Illinois readers. So far it has all the elements I love in a graphic novel: interesting art and a solid story. I'm excited to see where the author takes me.

The Bawk-Ness Monster is new to the library and I just grabbed it to have something to read during student silent reading. It's going to be a quick read and I'm hopeful about it's contents. The art reminds me a bit of Stephen Universe.

Belladonna is one of those books that is taking me way too long to read and it may ultimately impact how much I enjoy the story. And it's not because of the writing. It's all about me being able to find quality time to read each morning. I'm still invested in the story so I don't think I'll abandon it. Plus, it's a creepy fantasy so perfect for the fall weather!

Courage to Dream is the newest title by one of my favorite authors, Neal Shusterman. He typically writes novels, so I'm excited about his first foray into graphic storytelling. It's a Holocaust story, but very different than anything else I've read on the topic.

As always, my to be read pile is growing much faster than my already read pile!

I hope you find a new favorite book this year.

Happy reading!

Ms. Anderson


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